Archives and Genealogical Research
The archives at the Bates County Museum are home to a large collection of records pertaining to the county. Our holdings include tax records, marriage records, town and county histories, family files and more. The archives are open to the general public during normal museum business hours. Photography without flash is allowed. Due to the fragile condition of some records, access is at the discretion of the museum staff.
Genealogical Research Services and Rates
Members of the Bates County Historical Society are eligible for up to 3 hours of research done by our Family Researcher at no charge.
Researchers personally visiting the museum will be given up to 1 hour of research assistance by our Family Researcher free of charge. A suggested donation of $10 per hour following the first hour is encouraged and appreciated.
Research requests received via email or letter will be given 1 hour of research at no charge. Any finding will be scanned and sent electronically at no charge. Mailed research will be charged $5.00 for up to 15 pages (charge includes postage and handling. Additional pages will cost $0.25 per page.
Detailed or off-site research requests will be $10.00 per ½ hour plus any applicable fees and/or copying charges. This service requires a minimum charge of $10.00 and must be paid in advance. If applicable, additional research time will be billed accordingly and at the discretion of the Family Researcher.
When submitting a research request, please make the request as detailed as possible. Include birth and death dates, location, etc. This will help the researcher to better assist you .

Please complete our form to request genealogy research.
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