From the Eddie Herrman Archives
April 9
1863-J.N. Durand, first Postmaster of Prairie City, is killed by bushwhackers between Prairie City and Butler.
1869-A severe windstorm damages roofs, chimneys, and buildings in Butler. Wilson & Pyle’s sign from their store on South Main is blown across the square.
1886-Elder J. B. Hughes, of Kansas City, delivers a lecture on “Whiskey, its fruits and its friends” at the Butler Christian Church.
1887-Amos Satterlee purchases the livery stable of Jack Cornelisen, Adrian.
1906–Judge Walter Washington Graves, of Butler, is appointed to fill a Missouri Supreme Court vacancy. (He will serve 12 years)
1945-Today is “Skip Day” at the Rich Hill High School and 38 students charter a bus to go to Joplin and attend a carnival.
April 10
1857-Captain John B. Newberry moves from Papinville to Deepwater township and becomes a captain in the Missouri Militia.
1867-The town plat for Hudson City is presented to the Bates County Court by Judge Charles Robards, in Hudson township, West 1/2 of lot 5, section 3.
1903-Sam Walls has sold his drug store, in Adrian, to Woods & Wise. He will be moving to Butler.
1907-Carrie Nation, the temperance firebrand, is late arriving in Adrian, from Butler, and the welcoming committee doesn’t wait to welcome her.
1912-The Hume Lodge of Mystic Workers initiate 40 new members into the ranks.
1941-Appraisal of the 41, 844 acre Scully estate begins, under contract by the US government.
1942-486 books, donated to the Victory Book Campaign in Bates Co., are at the Butler Library, packed, and ready for shipping to military bases.