February 20

1870-Among the many towns in Bates County, the latest is Altona that is booming. New buildings are started every week, and it’s going to be a large town with everything anyone would need.

1876-Tom Montgomery boasts that he has the biggest cow in Bates county.  She is only seven years of age and weighs 1,695 lbs.  Who can beat it?

1881-A large crowd attends the grand masque ball at the Palace Hotel.

1895-W.B. Carrico, of Papinville, publicly declares war on tree stumps with his new style stump extractor.

1902-The Bates County Democrat newspaper reports, ” the courthouse is up and all hope it will be topped out with a town clock.”

1906-The Butler Hunting & Fishing Club is organized, Ed S. Clark president.  They have leased the Cooper Lake, near Athol, south of Butler.

1927-The newly organized Harmony Mission Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution is confirmed by the National Society. It was organized December 12, 1926.

1940-Today is opening day of Mr.& Mrs. Chester Shelton’s grocery store located in the old Ballard Bank Building, in Ballard.  20 inches of snow on the ground.

The Bryan 4-H Club outside of the grocery store owned by Chester and Goldie Shelton in Ballard.

The Bryan 4-H Club outside of the grocery store owned by Chester and Goldie Shelton in Ballard.

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