January 23 1816-By an act of the Territorial Legislature, the area between the Missouri River and the Marias des Cygnes River is made a part of Howard County. 1880-M.S. Cowles & Company take arrival of a fine, new safe but the combination was lost during travel. 1885-A special social hop is held at the W. J. Bard mansion near Vinton. …
Throwback Thursday-It’s Coffee Day
The Radford Livery Stable on West Ohio Street in Butler. (Corner Hardware Location) Courtesy of the Eddie Herrman Archives January 22 1861-Captain Thomas B. Cummings, of Johnstown, and his Border Guard meet Captain Warren’s Kansas-Cass troops who surrender to the Home Guard near West Point. 1906-After two weeks of repair and four weeks without street lights, the Butler Light …
January 30 1862-Captain Sydney Jackman’s Home Guard troops rout Kansas murderers from Dr. Walker’s house near Johnstown. 1862-Nickerson’s store, Lee’s store, and the dozen or so dwellings in Prairie City are burned by troops from Kansas. 1884-The cistern at the ‘poor farm’, 3 miles Northeast of Butler, is being enlarged as there are now 10 person living there. 1903-Miss Flora …
Throwback Thursday-Counting Chickens
The Charles Denny store at 201 North Main Street in Butler. Courtesy of the Eddie Herrman Archives January 29 1841–Bates County is officially organized. 1856-Joseph Smith is the new postmaster at Pleasant Gap. 1880-Robert Leech, one of the originators of the town of Mulberry, gives 2.2 acres for expansion of the town. 1886-Charles Denny is back in the grocery business, …
February 13 1869-A steamboat unloads 500 barrels of salt at Belvoir, 20 miles south of Butler. 1874-A Mr. Perron of Fort Scott nearly drowns in the Miami Creek as he tries to flee from the Bates County Sheriff with a stolen team and wagon. 1885-The County Grand Jury condemns the rattletrap of a County Jail and declares the outhouse in …
Throwback Thursday-Bloodied Noses, Rattletraps, and a Nuisance of an Outhouse
Courtesy of the Eddie Herrman Archives The old Crescent Hill Church with the foundation of the new church in the foreground. Taken from the book: “Adrian: Our Home Town 1880-1980”. February 19 1858-William T.W. Elmore and John M. Rogers have surveyed and platted the new town of Union Town (Crescent Hill), in the East center of section 21, of Deer …
February 20 1870-Among the many towns in Bates County, the latest is Altona that is booming. New buildings are started every week, and it’s going to be a large town with everything anyone would need. 1876-Tom Montgomery boasts that he has the biggest cow in Bates county. She is only seven years of age and weighs 1,695 lbs. Who can …
Throwback Thursday-What Can You Expect For A Quarter?
Courtesy of the Eddie Herrman Archives: One of the original clock faces from the Courthouse. On display at the Bates County Museum. February 19 1870-The cage ordered by the Bates County Sheriff from St. Louis should be arriving in Butler very shortly. It is 13 1/2 feet long and 7 feet wide. The cost is $1,000. 1870-Bates County Sheriff Smith …
Artifact Friday
A pair of metal bird decoys used at the Athol Hunting Club. Donated by Eleanor Lynch. Bates County Museum Collection.